Introducing Lacuna [3] Lapis Marine, the Ever-Sunny Seascape
The VR game Digimon Liberator is set in a virtual world called Lacuna.
Its seven areas burst with a mysterious allure of somewhere that's somehow familiar (thanks to its complex fusion with mapped real-world data) but could only ever exist virtually.
Today, we're going to look at an area touted as the most popular and beautiful of them all: Lapis Marine, the Ever-Sunny Seascape.

Its vast, deep azure ocean is complemented by contrasting types of coastline—white, sandy beaches, as well as rugged rock formations. As its nickname suggests, the area's trademark is the perpetual sunlight that shines down on visiting players.
Reminiscent of a tropical resort, it has all the facilities and activities you'd expect.
Just beside the stunning white beach, too pristine to be real, stands a city which serves as a base for players.
Among the various shops lining the streets, one selling clothing items stands out the most. It specializes in swimwear and Hawaiian-style resort wear, and many players change here before heading straight off to the gorgeous beach to enjoy the activities.
Even though some of the designs might be risqué enough to make you think twice about wearing them in real life, being able to try those kinds of items on without having to feel embarrassed is all part of the fun of a VR game.
That said, there's still a certain degree of modesty—there is no age restriction, after all.
You can also buy lots of different kinds of food and drink from stands along the beachfront. They're like NPC-managed beach houses.
There's one particularly popular place that regularly sets up shop here, selling drinks with buffs that increase the drop rate for rare items.
A lot of players come to drink these beverages specifically for these effects, but they certainly don't skimp on the delicious tropical flavor, so it's worth dropping in and giving them a try if you find the place.
It's these kinds of aspects that are some of the most appealing of any fully immersive game, not just Digimon Liberator.
While there is plenty to do on the beach, there are also ample activities available in the water. You can swim, jet ski, or dive, but one of the most popular things to do here is to fish.
Simply talk to an NPC with a boat on the beach and pay their price to get whisked away to a place where you can cast a line.
There are lots of types of fish to catch, but if you do manage to catch them all, you'll get a valuable prize, so have fun hunting down every last one.
And even if you don't catch them all, the fish that you do catch might still cough up some other kind of item. Sure, that might sound a little off-putting, but you won't just get hit with fishy debuffs, so do give it a try.
We've now looked at the tourism side of Lapis Marine. But this place isn't just known as a sightseeing spot—it also has an active battle scene.
Upon leaving the city, those sandy beaches turn to rugged rocky coastline, where you'll find a number of high-level NPCs lying in wait.
While these battles are not the toughest of the tough, they are considerably more challenging than the beginner-friendly ones in Emerald Coast. They're perfect for those who have been playing the game for a while and have some confidence in their abilities.
On a nearby clifftop stands one of the area's major landmarks, the enormous Lapis Stadium Tower lighthouse.
The stadium regularly plays host to small-scale tournaments, like Tamer Battles, at a pace of around once every week or two.
Once you've polished your battle skills a little, it might not be a bad idea to try taking part in one.
Lacuna's larger events and tournaments also usually take place here, making this lighthouse another place that puts Lapis Marine on the tourism map.
During major tournaments, side event NPCs appear near the lighthouse for the duration of the event, so even if you don't plan to enter the tournament, it's still worth a visit to battle these limited-time characters.
There might be a long line to enter, but in addition to participation prize cards, the number of rewards you earn, including rare cards and Alt-Art Chips, increases depending on your total wins. It's sure to be an experience worth waiting for.
And have you perhaps heard the rumors going around among the NPCs around here?
As mentioned, Lapis Marine is known for its ever-shining sun, but it does rain on occasion.
When it does, the number of beach stalls dwindles, the NPCs on the rocks disperse, and the usual bustle of the area is replaced by an eerie quiet.
That's when, according to some, another NPC appears before a cliff at the very edge of the area, even further out than the lighthouse itself.
For some reason, this particular NPC has an immensely powerful deck and is standing there, waiting for a challenge...or at least that seems to be the gist of things.
If that's something that sounds interesting to you, ask the NPCs and maybe you'll end up encountering this elusive character.
This is mere rumor, so we can't guarantee anything. But since some speak of priceless rewards, maybe getting soaked by the rain could be worth it in the end.
With all this on offer, there's no doubt that the ever-sunny seascape of Lapis Marine has plenty to offer in terms of both sightseeing and battling. Its hustle and bustle is on par with that of Lacuna's most thriving urban area, the capital Jewel.
But, just under the surface of Lacuna's most prominent sightseeing spot, you'll still find threads of a rich tale—part of the Main Scenario, which unfolds through encounters and battles with NPCs.
So what stories await players amid the glittering azure waters and white sandy beaches of Lapis Marine's ever-sunny seascape? We end this article with a short extract of a tale waiting to unfold.
Chain said that if Jewel didn't exist, Lapis Marine would be the center of all of Lacuna. And that the city, home to many androids, who have precious few ways to amuse themselves, is dear to them due to its beauty.
Perhaps most fascinating of all are the rumors—rumors of a secret place somewhere in the area.
Taking this as the first clue in Chain's search for the relics, you immediately depart for Lapis Marine.
After probing into these rumors by speaking with various androids, you find there's one thing that every rumor has in common: a seafloor temple.
On the day of a raging storm, a warp gate to the seafloor temple is said to appear in the basement of the Lapis Stadium Tower... Perhaps it's just a silly story, but the level of specificity intrigues you and hints at something more substantial.
What if the first of the relics you seek resides there? Unable to restrain your curiosity, you sneak into the basement of the Lapis Stadium Tower one stormy day, accompanied by two androids who requested to come along.
And right there, in that very basement, is a large gate, no trace of which had ever been seen before!
Recognizing your presence, a voice begins to speak.
——O ye who seeks the stones. If it is true strength that you covet, you must stake your pride and your life and survive seven trials. Do you have the strength and the wisdom to withstand my tests? The determination and the resolve?
You answer the gate with a nod and three guards appear before it.
——In that case, you must first vanquish these guardians of the ocean deep, o brave one.
The above is but a snippet of the story you can expect to enjoy in Lapis Marine.
As for the rest, you'll have to experience it for yourself in-game.
The ever-sunny seascape of Lapis Marine is somewhere you'll probably find yourself venturing just as much for sightseeing as you do for battles.
It's a place where experiences and encounters that can't be found anywhere else await our players.
And somewhere we would love for you to be able to sample the delights of Lacuna's virtual world that don't exist in reality.