Debugging Team
Debugger's Manual - Version 1.5 (Latest)
Author: Altea
About the Debugging Team
Whatever your individual circumstances in joining may have been, welcome to the debugging team.
First things first: what is the team's purpose?
Put simply, you serve as troubleshooters in Digimon Liberator.
With a few exceptions, members start out as ordinary players. They are handpicked for their problem-solving abilities and are tasked with helping to resolve various types of bugs and investigate issues in the game.
For example, the team is responsible for dealing with the recent incidents of out-of-control NPCs.
Aside from technical problems, debuggers are sometimes also charged with handling disputes between players.
When doing so, discretion is required so our involvement is not suspected.
We wish to ensure that disputes come to a natural conclusion, but it is our current policy that the administrators' interventions should not become known.
In line with this, the existence and actions of the debugging team should be kept secret as a rule.
However, it is apparent from players' messages in-game and on social media that some have caught wind of its existence.
Clear-cut evidence has yet to be posted, but some of the details mentioned accurately describe our operations, so it is clear that more caution is needed.
Permissions etc. Granted to Debuggers
When faced with problems such as bugs (and in some cases player disputes), debuggers can be temporarily granted the same powers as a GM.
Naturally there are various limitations and conditions. These are outlined in the Debugger's Code document provided with this guide.
Debuggers also have permission to enter the Garden, an area whose existence is unknown to regular players.
Given the confidentiality of the matters the team handles, it has its own area within the Garden, called Avalon.
In order to enter, you must equip your Unique Emblem (an item that confers special perks, given only to debuggers).
Permissions Granted by Your Unique Emblem
A Unique Emblem is required in order to be granted a GM's powers. It also provides the following permissions.

[1]: Immediate access to the Garden.
Unless granted permission by a GM, it is not possible to enter the Garden without a Unique Emblem.
In this sense, your Unique Emblem serves as your entry pass for the Garden's gate.
[2]: Ability to intervene in battles already underway.
This allows debuggers to resolve bugs related to unexpected Digimon behavior, as well as handle out-of-control NPCs.
If you come across regular players facing such issues in a battle, you should equip your Unique Emblem, intervene in the battle, and enable them to move a safe distance away from the bug, NPC, etc.
[3]: Digivolution of your partner Digimon in the overworld.
Players can normally only have their registered partner Digimon alongside them in the overworld in their level 3 form.
However, those with a Unique Emblem are able to digivolve them outside of battle into level 4, and even beyond.
Given the sometimes extreme terrain in Lacuna, traversal can be cumbersome with your player avatar (whose athletic ability does not exceed normal humans') and only a level 3 partner.
For instance, Agumon would be of little assistance if you had to reach a high spot to investigate and resolve a bug.
However, if digivolved into the level 5 MetalGreymon, it would be able to fly up to said spot, and if needed, pursue a target at high speed.
There are various examples besides this, but whatever the situation, please make liberal use of this ability to assist with your duties.
[4]: Saving and backing-up your character.
It has come to light that the out-of-control NPCs have a seriously concerning quirk: if they defeat a player, that player's data becomes corrupted.
Given that debuggers are tasked with handling them, they face an especially high risk. This cannot be disregarded even with high confidence in victory, given the unpredictable way in which these NPCs act.
Accordingly, Unique Emblems have been equipped with a save and back-up function, as a safety net in case the debugger loses.
However, it is still in a developmental stage and cannot be 100% guaranteed to work.
Please acknowledge that it cannot be counted on and exercise the utmost caution when dealing with rogue NPCs.
You now know what tasks are expected of you as a debugger, and what permissions you have been given to carry them out.
As a final note, please be aware that there is zero tolerance for abuse of your powers, particularly with regard to GM permissions.
As stated in the Debugger's Code, this will result in expulsion from the team and a possible suspension of your account.
Given that you were all specially selected for this role, we trust that you will perform your duties with due discretion and honesty.
We expect that you will refer to this manually regularly and will notify you if any additions or revisions are made to it or the separately provided Debugger's Code.
――[Section for high-ranking members follows]――
Regarding Shoto Kazama - Observation Required
This information is being shared with GMs and high-ranking personnel only.
We have discovered that Shoto Kazama's avatar has a special feature, a hair mesh that changes color under certain conditions.
The circumstances are unclear, but we do know that his avatar was created normally (likewise that of his friend and fellow debugger Arisa Kinosaki) and that no GM made any modifications to it.
Initially we believed that the color change occurred only when he equipped his Unique Emblem.
However, we have since confirmed that this also occurred in the same manner before he became a debugger and was granted a Unique Emblem.
Due to the lack of information, we cannot be sure whether this is due to a bug, but we may have to take swift action to implement a fix.
Given Shoto Kazama's history as a player and his disposition, the GMs consider it unlikely that he bears any malice or intends to cause trouble.
Accordingly, and also taking into account that he is now a debugger, and that this phenomenon could offer insight into Lacuna's mysteries, we request those reading this to keep a close eye on him.
If any information comes to light or any issue arises, the GMs (in particular Cool Boy and Yao Qinglan) should be informed immediately.
Regarding Pteromon and Shoemon
These two Digimon were discovered by two new debuggers, Shoto Kazama and Arisa Kinosaki. We have some basic information on them, as follows.