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"As you wish."

 The man in the suit, Aruba, gave an irritated shrug as he accepted the challenge.

"We'll stop what we're doing if you win, and you can even go ahead and ban us, or whatever you wish."

 This sent a ripple of shock through his group. Some weren't sure whether he was serious, while others tried to make him see sense—what was the point of taking such a risk?
 However, he quietened them with a wave of his hand, and went on:

"If I win, I'll be posting about your pathetic undercover operation online. And I may exaggerate a few details, but nothing too major, only enough to ensure a scandal, and prevent you from showing your faces in Lacuna ever again."

 There was a short silence, before the group broke into cheers.

"These losers are done for! No way can that guy beat Aruba!"
"How stupid can you get. They could've just apologized."

 The jeering went on and on, and some even readied cameras to snap a memento of the debuggers' imminent humiliation.

Amid this, Ryutaro was addressed by a voice from his D-Storage.

 "You'll need to be careful, Ryu," said Tyrannomon, just as Aruba's battle request popped up in his partner's menu.

"There's no reason for him to accept this. Either he's extremely confident... or he has something up his sleeve." "That much I realize," replied Ryutaro, his determined tone making it clear that no more need be said.

"What's it going to be then? Do you agree to my conditions, or has that got you scared?" asked Aruba.
"I'm the one who requested a battle, like I'm going to back down," said Ryutaro.

 And then, thrusting out a raised thumb, he declared: "You're on!"

 Aruba made an amused expression that seemed to say "And so it begins. The stakes here couldn't be higher."


"Damn... You've really got me cornered," said Ryutaro.
"I thought you were up for a fight. Not becoming of a wannabe superhero to be so down in the dumps now, is it?" responded Aruba, clearly in the ascendancy.

 His voice was calm but he looked uncomfortable as he loosened his tie, gazing up at the blazing Lapis Marine sun. Ryutaro felt a different kind of discomfort as he scanned his hand and his battle area in turn, searching for solutions.

 He was down to two security cards, with four cards in play: two Digimon—one each in the battle area and breeding area—plus two of his Tamer cards. Aruba meanwhile had three Digimon, and each of them was cause for concern.
 Two were cherubic Lucemon, but these weren't Ryutaro's biggest problem; beside them stood a Digimon who utterly dominated the field with its serene, beguiling beauty. One of the Seven Great Demon Lords, this Ultimate entity was said to have rebelled against "God." It is aligned with the morning star, possessing both holy and demonic aspects.

"Lucemon: Chaos Mode..."


 With its aptly named "Dead or Alive" effect, which activates on play and when digivolving, it forces the opponent to either delete a Digimon or Tamer card, or to trash a security card.

Aruba was delighted: "How very rich—someone who's obviously a delusional Digimon-lover opting to sacrifice an ally rather than take a hit himself. And even still, my Lucemon has you down to just two security."
"You're a real..." began Ryutaro, but his comeback was cut short by a low voice from his battle area.

  "Keep it cool, Ryu. No need to get riled up." A call for calm came from Ryu's partner, but it wasn't the usual Tyrannomon. Instead, there was a Digimon who had fought many more battles, proven by its numerous scars, notably across the eye, and the intense hue of its ashen hide.

"You made the right decision. There was no way you could let him Recover, was there?"

 MasterTyrannomon was right—choosing to trash a security card would have let Aruba add a card to his security stack with Lucemon's Recovery effect. That would have made winning harder for Ryutaro, since his deck relied on wiping out the opponent's security with a swift onslaught.

"You did that because you know the threat posed by your opponent, and what you have to do to win. Your judgment is solid, and that's why we're willing to put our lives on the line for you," continued MasterTyrannomon, its words backed up by a reassuring nod from Tyrannomon in the breeding area.

"...Okay guys, have no fear. I'm about to kick ass, just like always," enthused Ryutaro, nodding back.

"But first I need to stop getting my own hide handed to me—it's just not my style. So, what say we go on the counteroffensive, partner?"
"You got it!" growled MasterTyrannomon, homing in on Aruba's security stack.

"I'm attacking, so I activate my Tamer card's effect! MasterTyrannomon evolves into...!"


 The effect in question can be activated when a player attacks with a Digimon that has "Tyrannomon" in its name, and allows a "Tyrannomon" or a "Dinosaur" Digimon to digivolve into a card in the hand, with the cost cut by one.

 The sands of Lapis Marine were dyed a glowing crimson as a flaming pillar arose where MasterTyrannomon had stood.
 And then, imperiously clawing its way out of the pillar, emerged an enormous dinosaur.




 Its stony body emitted waves of heat, and the very air shimmered as if melting. Raising its fists armored with fiery plating, it gave the impression of a walking volcano as it roared.  This roar also summoned a searing shockwave, and a Lucemon was struck and deleted—this was Dynamon's [When Digivolving] effect.
 To top everything off, the newly digivolved Digimon had <Security Attack +1>, and so it took down two security cards, leaving Aruba with three.


"Great! Looking epic as always, Dynamon!" "Don't think any of this is for show. What you see is the result of my long quest for ultimate strength."

 As the two continued their casual conversation, Aruba sighed disgruntledly.

"...Well, I'm sweating, but only from the heat. Another big body changes nothing. Now, Lucemon!"
 To start off his turn, Aruba activated Lucemon's effect, discarding a card to force Ryutaro to decide between trashing one of his own security, or letting Aruba Recover.

"I choose to trash a security card," he declared, this time with no hesitation. "You... What?" said a shocked Aruba.

 Similarly, Yuuki, who had been intently following every move, let out a gasp.

"For real, Ryu? You seemed insistent on keeping your security, even sacrificing that Digimon... Aren't you worried about being attacked directly?"
Ryutaro shrugged this off, "No sweat. I know my partner's got this," and then revealed another of Dynamon's effects: while it is suspended, all opposing Digimon must target a suspended Digimon when attacking.

 Though down to one security card, this high-DP wall ensures Ryutaro won't be attacked.

Emboldened, he issued a provocation: "Hope you had fun playing god, Aruba, 'cause now I'm turning up the heat! What've you got?"

 Frowning, Aruba looked up at this monolithic new combatant, and then cast his eyes downward.

"As I said, one extra big body changes nothing," he said, giving a wicked smile, and letting out a callous laugh.

"It's time to digivolve, Lucemon. You've no further need of those white wings."

 Responding to these words, Lucemon: Chaos Mode went down onto its knees. Holy and demonic ceased to be in balance, and with a gathering of light particles, it turned into a monstrously huge, abyssally black dragon. Above its head floated seven crowns, signifying that its status surpassed even the Demon Lords'.


 This was the dragon of Revelation. Lucemon: Satan Mode.


 The two monstrous reptiles in the battle area faced off. But ultimately, they did not clash.
 Lucemon: Satan Mode's effect played a Lucemon: Larva from Aruba's trash to the breeding area, and thus deleted an opposing Digimon


 Dynamon was struck by Gehenna, the abyssal dragon's diabolic orb. It's raised its armored fists in resistance, but to no avail; the hellish flames' force was too great.

 Silence reigned, until Aruba could no longer contain his delight.

"Eheh... Ehehe, ahah..."

 His stuttering laugh of mockery grew louder, until he was in full flow.

"Uheh, bahaha, ahahah! You must've thought you had me. You bet everything on that Digimon and now it's no more. Truly a sorry sight!"


 Ryutaro made no response as his opponent bent backward in a derisive pose and continued with increasingly childish remarks.

"Just so you know, you irritated me from the start. Your whole hero act, even though you're only some random player. Give me a break, would you." "What, and let you get away with all of the bad things you've done?"
"As if you could pin that on us anyway, with zero evidence. And even if we were forced from Liberator, there's no shortage of childish games where we could go and do the same thing."

 Leaving the loudest laugh for last, Aruba then pointed judgingly at Ryutaro.

"You're going to lose either way, but I want you to realize, concepts like justice and evil are simply nonsense."

  These words finally drew a reaction from the downcast Ryutaro. He looked up and gave his adversary a sharp glare.

"Hmph... Something to say? Glaring won't win you the battle," said Aruba, somewhat flustered.

"...I have to hand it to you," said Ryutaro, narrowing his eyes before bursting into a genuine smile.

"You're one tough opponent!"

 Aruba practically shrieked, hardly able to believe his ears.

"I assumed you'd cheated since you had no shot in those tournaments, but you've shown beyond doubt you have skills. Now I'm even more pumped up!"
"What babble is this..."
"Sorry to say, you were close, but no cigar."

Ryutaro gave a mischievous grin as he explained: "That's certainly a nice effect your Lucemon has—must've felt good to force those choices on me. But if a tamer lets his ego swell, it never ends well."

 Just then, the Gehenna in the Satan Mode's hands began to radiate, and from inside burst forth an arm. It was that of a scorching dinosaur, emerging as if from the flames of hell itself.


 Gehenna shattered and Dynamon came roaring back into the battle area, courtesy of its <Fortitude> effect.

"Deleting Dynamon doesn't get rid of it!" explained Ryutaro.
"That doesn't make much sense, Ryu..." commented Yuuki.
Undeterred, he continued: "And what's more, it raises hell when it revives!"

 Dynamon activated the same [On Play] effect from earlier, this time with Lucemon: Satan Mode as the target.
 However, Aruba had a failsafe.

"Grr... I use Lucemon: Larva's effect, sending it to the battle area and stopping the deletion of my Satan Mode."

 He had kept Satan Mode in play by the skin of his teeth.
 Yet this was more than just a defensive play. Aruba spoke again, in a combative tone that hinted he'd rediscovered the path to victory, or at least wanted to appear as if he had.

"I'll teach you to get cocky! Now for Lucemon: Satan Mode's turn-end effect!" 

 Ryutaro was stripped of another security card, and yet...

"Big deal," he said, not appearing fazed in the slightest.

 Aruba surely thought he had his opponent on the ropes, but he was met with more fighting words.

"Okay guys, no more defense—we're gonna have to go in fists flying."

 Beginning his turn, Ryutaro declared his opening one-two punch:

"I move Tyrannomon from my breeding area to my battle area and attack! Then, with my Tamer card, I evolve it into MasterTyrannomon!" 


With MasterTyrannomon's [When Digivolving] effect, he suspended Aruba's Lucemon. And he wasn't done yet.

"With the effect of my other Tamer card, I'll digivolve once more!"

 What was moments ago a Tyrannomon was now a Dynamon, all thanks to the cost-reducing ability of Ryutaro's Tamer card.

"I then delete your suspended Lucemon with my [When Digivolving] effect!"
"What... Really..."

 Faced with the two bellowing Dynamon, the situation was dawning on Aruba, and he scratched his head feverishly.
"Taking into account the effect from Dynamon's digivolution card, there'll be three security checks," Ryutaro informed him.
"Guh! Strike back, Lucemon: Satan Mode!"

 The dragon of Revelation appeared from the security, confronting Dynamon. It appeared insurmountable with 16000 DP, however...

"We need to account for Tyrannomon's [Start of Your Main Phase] effect, which boosts Dynamon's DP from 13000 to 16000. And there's another 2000 from its digivolution card's effect. That adds up to 18000!"


"No... Does this mean... I'll lose?" "Sorry Aruba, we'll be getting through unscathed!" "Wait, is there..."

 Aruba looked on blankly as his revelatory card faded. He cast a fixed gaze at his hand, then turned feverishly to his trash, and then back... Perhaps he believed there was something that could save him. But there was not.

"Lucemon..." he sighed, staring at the Chaos Mode card in his hand.

For a second, it seemed to have given him a censuring smirk, showing its disappointment in the Tamer who was about to be brought to justice for his misdeeds.

 As Aruba let his cards slip from his hand, Ryutaro had some final words for his deflated opponent.

"You know, Aruba, you have a point—justice and evil may be nonsense. Still, there's times when you have to follow your gut and accept there's a right and wrong. You called Liberator childish, and yeah, a lot of kids do play it..."

With this, Ryutaro thought back to his own adventures with Digimon as a boy.

"But that's all the more reason for the adult players to set the right example. So come on partner, let's show we're the heroes and they're the villains!"

Having returned from hellfire with its Fortitude, Dynamon gave confirmation before going in for the finisher: "All right, Ryu!" The dinosaur's inner fire was so intense as to dye its stony hide crimson.

"Justice prevails!" declared Ryutaro, just as his final attack landed.

"We're freezing your account and those of the other main members. For the others it varies—it's mostly severe warnings and tournament suspensions."

 It was bedlam after Ryutaro's victory over Aruba. Having reported to the GMs and obtained the requisite in-game permissions, the debuggers set about rounding up the group of wrongdoers. With Winr and Yuuki much quicker to get the hang of the steps involved, the man of the moment found himself sidelined.

 ...Okay guys, what can I say—I'm no spring chicken. Might as well let you handle them.

 It was just Aruba he had to take care of. Already detained, he showed no emotion as he was informed of his punishment.

"So you had the GMs transfer you their powers. Not much chance of escaping from that, I suppose. Still, it would never have occurred to me that you'd use a battle to buy time." "That wasn't the idea at all," said Ryutaro. "And anyway, you were free to refuse."
"As I said, what you debuggers are doing irritates me," said a glowering Aruba.

"I suppose your whole hero act went just as you'd have wanted, although it's just as childish as this game."

 Not responding, Ryutaro pressed some buttons on his D-Storage, after which a little electric beep came from Aruba's.

"Hmm, you messaged me? This is..."
"A spare Liberator account of mine. I won't need it, so use it as you like—play some online battles if the mood strikes."
"But why would you..."

 Before the flustered Aruba could finish, he was offered a hand by Ryutaro.

"That was an intense match, and I'd like another. You've got to admit, games can be a blast when you put your soul into them."

 Seeming perplexed, Aruba gave a tut and then looked aside.

"I've had enough of your nonsense. Just go away already," he said.
"Sure thing. Let's go again any time," replied Ryutaro.

 And with that he made his way back to Tyrannomon and the others.

"Well Tyrannomon, I bet that must've tuckered you out. Still, we've come all the way to the coast, so let's take a li'l swim," said Ryutaro.
"Not a bad idea, but it turns out that..."
Ryutaro gave a curious grunt as he turned to face where his partner's claw was pointing.

 It was Winr, speaking to someone on his device. He promptly closed it as he noticed the two.

"Thanks for the hard work, Ryutaro. Unfortunately, we've been summoned by the GMs," he said coolly.
"Don't tell me that means..." Ryutaro asked.
"They're not happy with how we carried out the investigation, to say the least," reported Winr.

"Gah, no way...!"

 Tyrannomon looked on bemused as his partner seethed in frustration, looking up to the sky with his hands on his head.

 "Although Ryutaro is usually so unreliable, his Digimon knowledge really is second to none."
 "I won't disagree with you there."
 "Darn straight! And when the going gets tough, his whole hero thing is actually quite convincing."

 Ryutaro had been praised quite highly by his teammates during the battle. But let's not share that just right now. And so with the sea breeze cooling its battle-worn body, the crimson dinosaur looked back over another day in Lacuna.

*These cards are still under developement. There may be differences with the finalized product.