The virtual Shinjuku quaked as the chimeric beast let out a battle cry. There was visible rattling of pylons and glass panes as the screeching sound reverberated.
The city which was lit by a spotless sky just before was now awash with the shadows of night. Countering them were swathes of glistening neon lights, illuminating Altea and the others and making the winged beast above them as visible as if the sun were shining.
"That's Kimeramon, then..."

Gazing up at the colossal Digimon in the night sky, Altea inadvertently let out a small gasp of admiration.
Why...? He conceded that the mesh of monsters merged into a single form made a fearsome sight, but it wasn't a novel one—Kimeramon was far from a new type of Digimon, and Altea was an experienced battler who'd seen comparably intimidating Digimon in Lacuna, like Yuuki's HeavyMetaldramon and Ryutaro's Dinomon.
Perhaps it was the surroundings that made him feel so unexpectedly overwhelmed. Although "just another" kaiju, this one was right in the middle of a metropolis. It was still a fair distance away, in the breeding area. If Altea had been a normal human being, fear might have broken his concentration when it later emerged into the battle area.
"This aura... I suppose it's heightened by us being in a city, and it being night."
"Exactly. Atmospheric, isn't it?"
Altea had only murmured, but Horaiji responded and gave him a beaming look, mostly obstructed by his mop-like hair.
"It's impressive that you understand the atmosphere. Although given all the effort Yao put into you, I shouldn't be surprised."
"Hmm, I see now. You went out of your way to adjust the time settings to enhance this battle's cinematic flair?"
"Yep. Not a bad call, right? Cool Boy also said it would be fascinating."
Apparently Horaji had not caught on to Cool Boy's habit of claiming to be fascinated when actually at a loss. The truth might be a little painful for him, so Altea held his tongue. Such emotional sensitivity was proof of him being a truly cutting-edge AI.
"We're getting a little overshadowed here, Master."
Addressed by the level 4 form of his partner in his breeding area, Altea nodded.

"That we are, Espimon. We'll need to bring out a gigantic Digimon of our own. And in the meantime, let's head into a nearby tower."
"What for?"
"What better place for having a scrape with something in the sky?"
"Nice, Master! You're in top form today!"
"...This is seriously throwing me off."
Seeing HoverEspimon bob delightedly around the breeding area while Altea phlegmatically proceeded with play, Horaiji couldn't help but agitatedly ruffle his hair.
"Kimeramon is arguably among the pinnacle of Composite Digimon."
Having strayed from his role of lecturer, Horaiji got back on track, smoothing his annoyed expression into one more serious.
"Deltamon just earlier wasn't exactly the best example of a Composite type, since it came into existence through a bug and has a split personality. Kimeramon on the other hand has a single mind, totally focused on combat, so it's perfect in that sense. Anyhow, keep indulging in punnery if you like, but you'll need more than words if you want to avoid Shinjuku getting leveled!"
"Mr. Horaiji, I'm slightly concerned by how well you're playing the villain..."
"Sorry, it's kinda fun."
Seeming a little embarrassed, he confessed that he would always side with the kaiju when watching monster movies. Altea turned to re-evaluate the field of battle.
The situation: Altea has HoverEspimon in his breeding area and 2 security cards, while his opponent has Kimeramon and 4.
Only Altea has a card in the battle area, namely his Tamer card. Although both of them will be watching carefully to see what the other does, Horaiji has been notably aggressive, and Altea can't afford to make a mistake due to his reduced security.
"I'd never have guessed you were this type of player from what I'd heard of you from other debuggers. Your moves have been optimal in light of our respective decks, with no shortage of accompanying taunts... Evidently, my memory requires updating."
Declaring the start of his turn, Altea faintly muttered to himself: "I'd better focus less on compliments and more on strategy."
"Horaiji is right, HoverEspimon. We are in for a beating unless we go on the offensive ourselves."
Buoyant, HoverEspimon made for the battle area, and in tandem, Altea's Tamer card effect activated.

"Blimpmon goes underneath HoverEspimon, thus activating my special effect! Befitting an AI, it's an artful intelligence maneuver that reveals your top security card! Spy Scan, execute!"
Just then, Altea's built-in headcam flashed brightly, and the security card in his sights was flipped up.
Its name...
"Hmm, Kimeramon. I'll have to plan accordingly."
"That's one nasty effect..."
"Can it be that my Spy Scan was too spicy for your taste buds, bud?"
"I'd appreciate if you'd keep that shuttered."
"Apologies, I might not be able to oblige you there. Now, given my new intel, I'll be digivolving further. Come, Oblivimon!"
Heeding the order, HoverEspimon smoothly took off. Although the Digimon's cyan frame could withstand altitudes of up to 20,000 meters, it needed optimization to attain further aerial capabilities.
The result of its transformation was a radiantly blue disc—an archetypal UFO, its engine noise imperceptible and its flight path unpredictable.

"I'm going in!"
With its [When Digivolving] effect, Oblivimon reveals one of the opponent's security cards, and then immediately attacks it. The card housed a formidable Security Digimon, and Oblivimon was in its sights, but just then...
"Before that, I'll be applying <Jamming>, the inherited effect from Kapurimon, which comes into play when a face-up security card is checked."
"We lined this up in advance!"

"Further, there's Oblivimon's own effect that activates when a face-up security card is checked. I'll take one of Oblivimon's top cards—Oblivimon itself this time—and place it face-up under my security."
"I'm back as HoverEspimon. However...!"
Immediately after its digivolution had downed a security card, HoverEspimon re-emerged in the wake of beams of scattered light.
Then, even more light—vast and weighty—descended upon the Android Digimon. It dispersed, and left standing was an imperious, building-sized Machine Digimon, which HoverEspimon swiftly docked with.
"Digivolving into Bulbmon is the last move of my turn."
"A risk-free security check, then straight into a Blocker to end your turn on... Not bad, I'm impressed."
Horaiji scratched his head, unnerved by Altea's stoic tone.
"But let's not forget, I'm the one doing the teaching today. Kimeramon, let's digivolve!"
Breaking off its unhurried orbit above them, the colossal Composite Digimon touched down in the battle area before being enwreathed in the light of digivolution.
The result was a steel figure, all the more dazzling from the glaring neon lights' reflections. A true elite among Machine types, made up of components from numerous Cyborg Digimon: Machinedramon.

"I get to inflict <De-Digivolve 1>, reverting Bulbmon to HoverEspimon, and leaving your security wide open for my attack."
"The inherited effect from Kimeramon means you'll check two cards... And my security failed. So I'm left with only my face-up Oblivimon for defense."
"You're acting awfully composed... I wonder if that'll change after this—DigiXros with the 3 cards in my hand."
Horaiji played a new card, placing 3 different Deltamon from his hand underneath it. With this, yet another Composite beast arrived in Shinjuku.

"You had a different Kimeramon up your sleeve, I see."
"Digimon can be combined in lots of ways. Anyhow, I'm not done. I'll use Kimeramon's effect to delete my Machinedramon and your HoverEspimon."
Machinedramon showed no discomfort as it was deleted by Kimeramon. Both born through the amalgamation of many other Digimon's components, these two are at peace with the notion of becoming components themselves.
"Now for Machinedramon's [On Deletion] effect. I can use the Machinedramon in my trash and Kimeramon to DNA Digivolve!"
Millenniummon, the absolute pinnacle of Composite Digimon, capable of tearing even dimensions asunder, toppled the city buildings like they were children's toy blocks.

"Millenniummon has a [When Digivolving] effect. I send the Bulbmon, HoverEspimon, and Espimon in your trash to the top of your deck, and gain 3 memory."
"I see. Limiting my draws as well as my memory next turn."
"That's about the size of it. Although a researcher, I'm a debugger too. It wouldn't do for me to get my butt handed to me by our backyard administrator AI."
The barb made Altea suddenly pause.
"How troubling. Did you have me down as a mere administrator? I'm afraid I'll have to show you how wrong you are in this battle."
Just before the change of turn, a strong light suddenly shone upon the battle area. Oblivimon emerged from the security, thanks to its [End of Opponent's Turn] effect.
"Don't you know how much support my master gives all the debuggers? There's no one else who makes such efforts, reading countless reports and test battle records... Studying every day, and trying to get to know everyone as best as possible! It's not fair to go labeling him as just an AI or backyard administrator!"
"Now hold on, Oblivimon."
It was ready for a war of words to defend its master, but Altea called out calmly.
"But Master..."
"In battle, one must let their actions speak for themselves. I ask that you lend me your help. You know what to do."
Judging from Oblivimon's change in expression and defiant glare at Millenniummon, it appeared that it did indeed know what to do.
"Right! I'll be ready whenever!"
"Excellent. Then let's commence our offensive operation."
Altea's turn began. His Tamer card set him to 3 memory and he hatched Kapurimon in his breeding area.
"I'll be putting HoverEspimon under Oblivimon via the effect of my Tamer card, and then revealing a security card. Next, Kapurimon in the breeding area digivolves into Espimon. And to top it off, Oblivimon...!"
"Yes! The digivolution you're about to witness is rad as it gets! Behold!"
Syncing with Oblivimon's declaration of digivolution, a cocoon of intense light encased it. It expanded until even the city lights looked dim by comparison.
The resulting Digimon was blue, steely, and as tall as a skyscraper. Invisimon—an unbeatable goliath, the spitting image of the beloved, heroic defender of humanity from a film Altea had once studied.

"Let’s go! My [When Digivolving] effect will <De-Digivolve 2> your Millenniummon!"
With the activation of its [When Digivolving] effect, Invisimon disappeared. The next moment, it had closed the distance with Millenniummon and readied its fists. When the lightning-fast flurry subsided, its Mega adversary was no more, having De-Digivolved into the Champion Deltamon. Horaiji was dumbfounded.
"You're telling me it has that kind of speed with that gigantic steel body, and even stealth..."
"Correct. And the most surprising part is to come."
Sounding self-assured, Altea commanded his partner with a gesture.
"I'm attacking with Invisimon. Accordingly, its effect activates when checking security."
Horaiji was the target of Invisimon's next barrage, after which it immediately vanished.
"I'll be placing Invisimon among my security cards. Oblivimon remains, and I'll digivolve it into Raidenmon."

The imposing Machine type substitute arrived. In place of optical camouflage, it had a coat of classic camo colors. Its pattern was not suited to the brightly lit city, but the Digimon's raw mass alone was enough to impart a sense of threat.
"That makes our security stacks even. Now to see if I'll be able to close this out, or if you can snatch victory. You would need a Digimon though, which you currently lack."
Provoked, Horaiji gave a little glance down at his hand.
"...Actually, I think I've got this. I have Kimeramon, Machinedramon, and Millenniummon in my hand, so I can get out the latter with <DigiXros>, and with its [On Play] effect I can get rid of Raidenmon. Then..."
Altea calmly shook his head.
"I'm afraid you haven't considered Raidenmon's effect, which lets me keep Oblivimon in play. And at the end of your turn, Invisimon shifts from its defensive role back onto offense. Your last security card will also be revealed."
"It's game, set, and match, I believe. Fortified yet fluid, invisible yet invincible—our strategy has been successful in its aim..."
Only after an ample pause did he emphatically finish.
"I’d say the towering titan toppled like a toy tower."
"I'm so sorry!"
Victorious, Altea and Espimon had brought peace back to Shinjuku, and also earned an unexpected apology from Horaji.
"It's fine, I don't need an apology."
"No, it was disgraceful to belittle you on the basis of you being an AI and the Garden's caretaker. Forgive me. For a researcher who studies digital lifeforms, and not only that, but also a fellow debugger, those words were not acceptable."
Horaiji perfectly straightened out his hunched back, then bent his body down making a full right angle at the waist in a deeply apologetic bow. Altea looked at Espimon in bewilderment.
Altea had considered the matter settled, since he had already raised his objection to the insult and shown his superior strength in battle. Still, it was a good thing that Horaiji had seriously reflected on his own words and offered an apology.
"No worries, Mr. Horaiji. Please, stand up straight. I take no pleasure in seeing a colleague wracked with guilt, so let's put it behind us."
"I've cooled down as well."
"Ah, all right, thanks."
It was a magical phrase—"no worries." Having picked it up from Yao, Altea was starting to grasp the value of its vagueness.
"More importantly, would you care to hear my observations from our battle?"
"Oh, of course. After all, the whole point of this was to help deepen your understanding of Composite types."
Horaiji scratched his head, still feeling a bit awkward.
"Your Millenniummon is a being formed through the combination of two Composite Digimon: Kimeramon and Machinedramon, which in turn are formed from the synthesis of many different Digimon, biological and Cyborg respectively. Millenniummon represents the coexistence of the technological and the natural within one entity, and that makes it remarkably similar to the Maquinamon we've been dealing with."
"Right. Mr. Cool Boy probably made us battle in order to help you gain that sort of insight. Did you unravel anything else?"
Altea held his hand to his chin a little hesitantly, before muttering, as if to himself.
"I believe Maquinamon may not be a Composite Digimon after all."
"Why? Based on intuition?"
"I can explain my reasoning. If you look at, say, Kimeramon or Millenniummon, they're able to exist as Composite Digimon with all of their components integrated because they've reached an appropriate level of maturity. Deltamon on the other hand, which doesn't have unified control of its parts, is still a Champion."
"Right, then you have Maquinamon, only a Rookie. And to start with, it's not even clear from where its components originated."
Altea nodded in agreement with Espimon, then looked straight at Horaiji.
"That said, my main reason is indeed intuition. Maquinamon seems to me like a Digimon who intrinsically embodies the opposing notions of nature and civilization."
"If that's true, could they be the result of a mutation?"
Altea shook his head at Horaiji's suggestion.
"There are far too many of them for that to be the case. If anything, my feeling is that that contrast is at the very core of its being. Its defining characteristic."
That was the conclusion Altea had ultimately reached about Maquinamon—that was the kind of creature it was, despite its defective cybernetics and its cobbled-together appearance.
"If it's as you say...then its very existence is quite pitiful."
"This is coming from a Composite player?"
"Actually, Gazimon digivolves for me of its own volition. And when in Lacuna, there's no pain at all."
As Horaji said this, a grayish-purple Mammal type popped up on the shoulder of his white lab coat. Seeing that there was indeed no sadness in the eyes of the grinning Digimon, Altea felt a little relief.
"In any case, if we are to continue protecting the Maquinamon, it will be a heavy responsibility. It would be wise to do more in-depth research."
"Absolutely. I trust I can count on your collaboration?"
"Yes, of course."
"You betcha!"
Altea exchanged a glance with his enthused partner and gave a little nod.
Of course the research would continue. An AI never ceases to compute, after all.
Perhaps the research would find a way to reconcile or integrate the "natural" and "artificial" sides of Maquinamon. If so, the data yielded might also help Altea in his endeavor to build closer relationships with the colleagues he was coming to like so much.
To be continued.
*These cards are still under developement. There may be differences with the finalized product.