Obsidian Desert, the Dusty Demonic Realm, Lacuna.
There's almost nothing around for miles except desert. Just like everywhere else in Lacuna, it's a true-to-life environment, down to each grain of sand. Such is the realism that you can actually feel the nonexistent temperature. It's similar to Ruby Mountain, the Inferno Zone in this regard, although with a different flavor—visiting players always note the dryness of the heat and the dustiness of the air.
But this desert is more than a simple sea of sand. Scattered oases, cool springs surrounded by rings of lush green vegetation, dot the landscape almost as if placed there by design to relieve visitors of the oppressive desert heat. Many are furnished with tables and benches along the water’s edge for the weary travelers to rest their feet. This small number of sanctuaries offer a rare place to rest, stock up on supplies, and interact with other players in an area so hostile that it has earned the nickname "The Demonic Realm."
In one such refuge is a girl wearing an angry scowl on her face. It's Yuuki from the debugging team.
"I'm serious! It was right here!"
Yuuki banged her fist on the table and shouted so loud her voice seemed to reverberate across the entire desert. The bespectacled boy sitting across from her shot her a look of indifference. It was her teammate, Winr.
"We're already suffering enough out here. Could you at least keep it down, Yuuki?"
"No way! You don't believe me, do you?!"
"No, I don't."
"But I'm telling you! I saw it! A wild green Digimon!"
Yuuki's cries pierced through the dry desert winds, disappearing into the electronic blue sky beyond.
"Impmon saw it too!"
Yuuki asserted, gesturing to her partner Digimon. It might've been because of the heat, but the Evil Digimon seemed more listless than usual as it cooled itself off with ice it had summoned.
"Yeah, I did. It looked like a green caterpillar. Still, coming from you, it's no wonder people are so skeptical! They probably think you're seeing things."
"Impmoooon! You're supposed to be on my side, remember?! Why do you have to keep dragging me all the time?"
"...Here we go."
Winr sighed as Yuuki and Impmon began to bicker yet again without paying him a second thought. He glanced over to his own Digimon partner, FunBeemon, who was resting its wings beside him.
"What do you think, FunBeemon?"
"‘A green caterpillar', huh...? Could be DoKunemon. Possibly Wormmon. It could even be a new type altogether. But me and the hive looked all around here and found nothing."
"I suppose it could have taken over an NPC...or may even be hiding within an inanimate object. Suzune recently reported an instance of that."
"But wouldn't SOMEONE have to have seen it? The debugging team has been all over this area today."
Winr nodded.
"My thoughts exactly. There's nowhere for a wild Digimon to hide here today. Everyone's out looking for Maquinamon."
That was the debugging team's current primary mission: the capture of Maquinamon, Digimon of a new and unknown type. There had been a number of sightings of it across the Obsidian Desert, and so the team had been urgently dispatched earlier that day.
"After we captured a Maquinamon around here, FunBeemon and the others were extra careful to inspect every NPC and object they could find."
"And while you and Yuuki have been on break, Ryutaro finally arrived, and Suzune too, and they've been patrolling the area. Plus we have another team taking care of the other side, so I doubt that we would have failed to spot it."
"Aren't there two rookies on the other team? They could have missed something."
"...I don't think so."
Yuuki conceded, shaking her head.
"Not with the number of solid teammates we have over there."
Since every debugger undertakes missions alongside their real-world work and study, there are many different daily routines within the team, making it difficult for everyone to get to know each other.
Another contributor to this is that a lot of intel-sharing and reporting is carried out via GMs rather than directly among teammates. So while a failure to forge relationships might be expected of someone like Winr, even Yuuki has a few team members she only knows by sight.
There were a few members on this mission in the Obsidian Desert who neither of them were very familiar with at all.
Owen Dreadnought and his partner Elizamon. A famously talented Digimon card player and the second best in the world. Even among the debugging team he is seen as a little difficult to approach, with a demeanor just as stern and a playstyle just as intense in the virtual world as the real.
Yuuki once cheerfully attempted to strike up a conversation with him during the beta test only to be met with a glare, thus earning him the reputation as "the scary guy." It doesn't seem like she has entirely given up on getting to know him though—rather, she's waiting for the right time so as to avoid a personality clash between the arrogant Elizamon and the cynical Impmon.
Violet Inboots and her partner Ghostmon. Since it's not good manners to pry into people's real lives online, no one knows much about her, but they're all in agreement that she's probably filthy rich.
She seems to be unaware of the term "personal space", as she's always up in everyone's business. The awkward Winr sees her as the oil to his water, but at the same time, he values her positive attitude and even her pushiness. FunBeemon also has a great deal of respect for Ghostmon, who, unlike the ever-attentive insectoid Digimon, has earned its partner's trust through quiet and subtle means.
Close and her partner Sunarizamon. Not many members know about her, as she's not very chatty and doesn't take part in many missions. Even so, she's garnered more than a few secret admirers on the team thanks to her extraordinary talent as a Digimon card player and unusual good looks.
After challenging her to a match, Ryutaro Williams declared her to be, "One of a kind!" and was apparently delighted that his partner Digimon, Tyrannomon, seemed to hit it off with Sunarizamon.
Then there are the two tamers who joined the debugging team the other day: Shoto Kazama and Arisa Kinosaki. Both are partners with new types of Digimon: Pteromon and Shoemon. Shoto in particular is seen as a rising star among the team after his victory against an out-of-control NPC.
Apparently, even Suzune Kazuki went to greet him after his induction, although she ended up deterred by the hostility of the Bulucomon in her deck toward Pteromon, perhaps due to them having battled before. Her partner, Frigimon, has also mentioned how it wants to see what Shoto is truly capable of.
"Owen and Vi are with the newbies. Owen might be a little intimidating and Vi can be a lot, but they're both good at what they do."
"Close was nearby, too. I don't know her very well, but I've heard she's pretty capable."
Winr was momentarily taken aback by the audacity of someone as intense as Yuuki to brand anyone else "a lot" but he nodded in agreement.
"In any case, I think it's settled. There's no way that a wild Digimon could be hiding while all this is going on. You and Impmon must have been seeing things."
"Grr... I can't believe you, Teacher..."
Winr shrugged his shoulders as Yuuki eyed him resentfully.
"It's a mistake that anyone could make. I'm more curious as to why you're being so stubborn about it."
Yuuki's expression clouded over and she began to draw invisible circles on the table with her finger.
"If there really is a wild Digimon, we have to capture it before it's too late."
That's when it hit Winr.
The wild Digimon in Lacuna aren't adapted to their environment. It could take hours, it could take days, but without proper conservation, the Digimon would perish.
Some team members were able to compartmentalize that fact during their missions, but Yuuki wasn't one of them.
"To make friends with every single Digimon."
That's the dream she touted to all and sundry. Sure, it sounded crazy, but she was totally serious. That's why it hurt her so much to think that there could be an unknown Digimon out there about to disappear forever and she couldn't do a thing about it.
"...I'm sorry, Yuuki. I wasn't thinking."
After meeting FunBeemon brought so much light back to his life, Winr too had pondered about Digimon's ultimate fate. So despite his age, he could empathize with Yuuki fully.
"What're you looking so miserable for?! I didn't mean to upset anyone. Come on! Cheer up already, Yuuki!"
"Exactly... Winnie, Yuuki. Whether there's a wild Digimon out here or not, it doesn't change the fact that you both gave it your all out here today."
Seeing the subdued expressions on their faces, their partners, Impmon and FunBeemon, desperately began to try to console the two tamers.
That's when a large man suddenly appeared standing before them and gave them both a big clap on the back. At the same time, a shadow was cast overhead and an unnaturally chilly breeze began to blow through the midday desert.
"Hey! Good job, you two!"
"Ryu! Tyrannomon!"
"It's not like me to do all that running, so I'm a little beat. I'm gonna go cool off, Ryu."
"Heeey! Watch it, Tyranno!"
Impmon protested as Tyrannomon jumped into the water behind him with a huge splash, while Ryu gave Yuuki a high-five.
"Room for one more?"
"Hi, Suzune! By all means, take a seat!"
"I could tell you had come from the change in temperature, Frigimon. You negated all the heat from Ryutaro."
"What a thing to say with such a straight face, Winr. But, if I can be of service, feel free to use me to cool off as much as you'd like."
The woman who greeted Yuuki and Winr before sitting down next to them was Suzune. Beside her Frigimon shook with laughter.
Suzune looked at her two younger colleagues and faintly smiled before pressing some buttons on her D-Storage. Several glasses of iced tea suddenly appeared.
"I'm sure we have a lot to discuss, but let's have some tea first, shall we?"
"I'll cut to the chase. We didn't find anything unusual in our search zone. It's not as if we let them slip through our fingers, either. Ryutaro left no stone unturned. They definitely weren't there."
"And seeing as I was paired with a lady as mature and beautiful as Suzune, I applied myself even more than usual!"
"...But she's younger than you."
"Listen, Winr. It doesn't matter if she's younger and prettier than me. She can still be much more mature. If you know what I mean?"
"No, not really."
"Aww. Thank you, Ryutaro."
Ryutaro and Suzune's report was brief, with nothing even slightly eyebrow-raising (apart from the former's gushing compliments).
"There do appear to have been some issues over on the other side of the area, though."
"Issues? What kind of issues...?"
"I don't know the exact details. Something to do with Owen, Close, and that rookie, Shoto. The new kid dealt with it and everything's all right now."
Then she looked straight at Yuuki.
"But there still haven't been any reports of the wild Digimon you told us about on either side. It's hard to believe you and Impmon were both seeing things at the same time, though, which means—"
Suzune paused to exchange looks with Frigimon before continuing.
"—that the Digimon you witnessed was probably coming to the end of its lifespan and has already disappeared."
As Yuuki clenched her hands in her lap tightly, Ryutaro gave her a gentle pat on the back.
"Sorry it's not better news. But I admire your attitude."
"But I'm just sad..."
"But it's admirable that you can be sad."
Yuuki cast her eyes down before putting on a smile and facing Ryutaro and Suzune once more.
"Thanks, Ryu! And you too, Suzune. Giving it to me straight like that. I respect you for being so professional!"
"You're very welcome, Yuuki."
...But it shouldn't have to be like this. Suzune muttered to herself quietly before downing the rest of her iced tea. Usually the beverage gave her a satisfying sense of relief, but not this time.
"That's that then. Mission complete. Shall we get going, everyone?"
When Suzune finished speaking, Frigimon picked her up and placed her onto its shoulder. Tyrannomon shook the remaining drops of water off its body and also began to walk away with Ryutaro.
Winr was two or three steps behind them, hanging back and watching Yuuki and Impmon beside her, who was pulling on its scarf as if it wanted to say something. FunBeemon approached Winr and in a low voice asked,
"Are you just going to stand there, Winnie?"
"What do you mean?"
"Don't you have anything you want to say to Yuuki?"
"Am I that obvious, FunBeemon?"
Murmuring in defeat, he turned his head toward Yuuki before turning it back to FunBeemon.
"It's okay. I think Impmon wants a word with her. If we're around it'll be harder for Impmon to open up."
"Hehe, now that's maturity, Winnie."
"Please don't make fun of me."
"I'm not, honestly. Anyhow, once we're back, how 'bout we both think of what we could say to cheer her up?"
"...I can't win, can I?"
Shaking his head, Winr walked off with FunBeemon. Watching them go, Impmon began to mutter.
"Hey, Yuuki."
"...I'm so sorry, Impmon."
"Come on now! Some wishy-washy apology isn't like you!"
Impmon gave Yuuki an annoyed glare as its tail swung from side to side in frustration.
"There's no need to be like that! Even I have off days you know!"
"Who cares?! You're an idiot, so how is dwelling on this going to solve anything?!"
"Hey! Knock it off! I'm super cut up about this!"
Impmon stood its ground, looking the teary-eyed Yuuki in the face throughout her protests.
"Do you really think you can become friends with every Digimon with such a soppy attitude?!"
Yuuki lifted her head as if caught off guard.
"Sure, we could have been seeing things. Or maybe it already has disappeared. We don't know. But it could also still be alive! Do you think that Digimon would want to be friends with you as you are now? I don't remember agreeing to partner up with such a crybaby!"
Yuuki wiped the rest of her tears from her eyes and grabbed Impmon in a bear hug.
"Woah! What are you doing, you idiot! Let me go! Stop squeezing me!"
"Thank you, Impmon. I'm all right now."
"...Oh, you are, are you?"
Yuuki smiled her usual smile at Impmon, who was trying to hide its embarrassment by pulling at its scarf.
"Alright! Yuuki's back, baby! We'd better catch up to the others! I wanna see how the rookies did!"
"Why bother? There's no way that they're any worse than you."
"No way! I'm a veteran from the beta tests!"
"So a veteran by a single year, then? That Shoto guy beat Yao. He must be way stronger than you are."
...That's certainly one take."
"At least try to deny it!"
Yuuki let Impmon's complaints wash over her as she crossed the desert against a backdrop of a setting red sun.
All the while thinking about how nice it'd be to see that bug-like Digimon one more time.

To Be Continued.